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Are You Getting Quality Sleep Though?

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Last Updated on October 13, 2022 by Hollie Giglietti

Welcome to DAY 2 of the Reignite your Creative Life & Biz Challenge!

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How do you feel about the quantity and quality of your sleep? Did you get a good night’s sleep last night? How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

I know…. You’re wondering, why are we talking about sleep again?? Well, let’s say this is the anti-hustle, slow creating method of reigniting your creative life and business 🙂 

The Importance of Sleep

“Finish each day before you begin the next and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I know it can sometimes feel pointless to talk about sleep and rest but it’s the first thing you should take a look at if you’re battling exhaustion and lack of energy. And being tired all the time will definitely make you feel like you’re in a constant state of being in a fog. 

A great sleep routine, however, has the ability to help you manage stress, get those energy levels up and even help you be more creative.

Our bodies need sleep to recover from the wear and tear of daily life. How we sleep is just as important as how much sleep we’re getting each night.  An early enough bedtime, safe and comfortable environment, that’s free from distractions, is essential for resting well.

Three things that can prevent you from getting good, quality sleep:

(And then ways to IMPROVE your sleep below)

  1. Inconsistent bedtimes

Do the demands of your day dictate when you go to sleep and what time you wake up? Working or watching tv until the wee hours of the night and getting up before dawn is not great for your wellbeing. 

Working through the night and getting up before dawn might feel productive but it’s really not going to help you accomplish more. 

According to Pareto’s Principle, the amount of time it takes us to finish something changes or expands to fit the time we have to finish it. 

Setting a designated bedtime and sticking to it will encourage you to stay focused and finish your work in the times you are awake. 

You’ll most likely be able to get everything done before your bedtime if you set a specific time for your bedtime. 

I’d love to know in the comments – What time will you set? For the past couple of years I’ve had a hard time going to sleep before 2 or 3 am! I read this article about the importance of going to sleep before midnight and it totally convinced me to go to sleep before midnight!

  1. Smartphones and devices

I don’t know about you but this is the HARDEST habit to break, for me. I can’t seem to fall asleep unless I’ve stared at my phone for at least 30 minutes before I drift off to sleep. The truth is, our phones, tv’s, and computers have no place in the bedroom. 

Science is proving that screen time before bed is detrimental to your quality and quantity of sleep. Consider making your bedroom a screen-free zone and a sacred space for rejuvenation and connection.

  1. Anxiety and worry

The connection between poor sleep and anxiety may seem like a “chicken and egg” scenario. Does lack of sleep lead to anxiety, or does anxiety cause lack of sleep? No matter the cause, anxiety can ruin your quality of sleep. 

Getting serious about tackling whatever challenges may be happening in your life that are causing you to be anxious will help you find rest. Read this to learn 5 ways therapy will help you manage anxiety.

three ways to improve your sleep quality

  1. Create a Magical Evening Ritual

Your body is set to a rhythm. You’re working in sync with calendars, clocks, and other routines that create the rhythm of your life. Your evening rituals can enhance these rhythms and get you ready for a great night’s sleep. 

Start with an evening routine that is consistent, that promotes peace and harmony in your home and includes things you absolutely love. After work, take some time to reconnect with your spouse, friends or yourself, add in a bit of fun and creativity and prepare for the next day. 

Eat a nutritious, whole foods dinner at the table. Limit television and computer usage. Make distinctive transitions between mealtime and bedtime prep: including showers, brushing of teeth, etc. Add something really soothing like a hot tea, your favorite candle and a journal. Spend time doing something that makes you feel good. 

  1. Create a Soothing and Comfortable Environment

One of the best indicators of the quality and quantity of your sleep is the state of your bedroom itself. From the temperature of the room to the thread count of your sheets, the details matter. 

I’ve discovered, from paying attention each night, that I sleep best at exactly 73 degrees in the summer 🙂

Having an environment that is free of distractions such as noise, light, or too few or too many blankets makes all the difference when it comes to your sleep. Create an environment that promotes comfort and calm, and your sleep quality will improve dramatically. 

  1. Exercise and Eat Well

Believe it or not, what you eat and how you exercise affects your sleep. Eating foods that are high in salt or too spicy for your digestive system during the day can affect your ability to stay in a deep sleep. Eating food too close to bedtime can also affect your quality of sleep. 

Drinking too much water and having to wake up multiple times to use the bathroom can break your cycle of restorative sleep and leave you feeling tired and worn-out. Create a cut off time during the day to stop drinking as much water.

Exercise and movement is a key contributor to high-quality sleep. Cardio and muscle training are excellent ways to ensure you sleep deeper and harder. Even those with anxiety say that working out helps them fight the insomnia that worrying causes. Schedule workouts multiple days per week to increase your quality of sleep. 

Sleep is a key factor in building a good foundation of wellness. Getting into an evening routine and your sleep environment ready for bed will help you optimize your sleeping time and have you feeling refreshed and ready to create the next day.

Changing your Mind about the importance of sleep?

I hope these past two days have helped you realize how important sleep is. When you feel rested and have enough energy, you start feeling like you can do *anything*!

Tell us in the comments or over in the Facebook group if you learned anything new in this post, what you struggle with the most when it comes to a sleep routine or if you’ll be changing your sleep routine. Bonus points for sharing your magical sleep routine!

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