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How to Create a Magical Morning Routine: Tips for Living an Energized Day

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Last Updated on October 13, 2022 by Hollie Giglietti

Do you wake up, roll out of bed and either rush straight to work or stumble over to your computer to sign on for the day? With nothing that brings you joy, in between? These types of days never feel that great…

If you want to feel more energized and alive throughout your day, it’s time to create a magical morning routine, on DAY 3 of our challenge!

If you haven’t signed up for the challenge yet, click the link below!

You probably already know that a morning routine is an awesome way to start your day. But you might not know exactly how a morning routine can help you feel more centered, productive, and happy. 

A magical morning routine can bring new meaning and intention into your mornings. If your mornings are less-than-magical right now, take comfort in knowing that things won’t have to be that way forever. Keep reading for my tips on how to create a magical morning routine and reclaim happiness first thing in the morning.

Morning Rituals: Why They’re Magical, and Why They Matter

A morning ritual is a specific, intentional activity that you can do each morning as part of your daily routine. It’s something that helps you start each day with positive energy and a renewed sense of purpose and creativity. 

Morning rituals can often be used as a tool to help you overcome feelings of anxiety, stress, and unhappiness. When you start your day with a positive and meaningful routine, it’s easier to focus on the good, positive things throughout your day. 

Create a Morning Ritual That Brings You Joy

The first step towards creating a morning ritual is to choose one that resonates with you. If you force yourself to do something that doesn’t feel natural, it will be far more difficult to sustain. When you’re creating your morning ritual, make sure it brings you joy.

Life can be SO busy, which makes it difficult to fit everything into your day. If you don’t have time for a lengthy routine each morning, then what?? Consider carving out just 10-15 minutes in the morning as your magical morning moment instead! 

As long as you’re consistent in doing your routine each morning, the length of time can be an hour or even just 10 minutes. Do whatever feels good to you and helps you the most in setting up your day.  


Create your routine with the things you love and make you feel amazing. Need some ideas? Try adding these to your magical morning routine and see how your day and life start to change.

  1. Start Your Morning With Morning Pages

This is an exercise I learned from reading Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way and it has been life changing. Write three pages of literally anything first thing in the morning.

Just write, brain dump, whatever comes out of your mind. 

This practice has helped me so much in clearing my mind and getting out all of the junk before I start a new day.

As a Creative you’re always thinking, creating, coming up with new ideas, constantly working – it can be hard to clear your mind.

Clearing your mind first thing in the morning, right after you wake up, can set you up to feeling refreshed and open to receive new ideas and creativity.

2. Add in Gratitude and Self-Care

By starting your mornings with gratitude and self-care, you can bring positive energy and joy into every part of your day. Start your morning by spending a few minutes meditating. You can pick a guided meditation from the internet or from an app, or you can create your own. Try to focus on the present moment and clearing your head. 

After your meditation, write down three things you’re grateful for. This will help you shift your focus to the positive things in your life. This can be anything – from the coffee you’re about to drink to your wonderful family and friends. Write a letter to yourself expressing your feelings. This can be about anything that’s been bothering you or a situation that’s been weighing you down lately. Somewhat like morning pages, but in a different context.

3. Incorporate Movement Into Your Morning Routine

There are many different ways to incorporate movement into your morning routine – you just have to find the right fit for you.

Some examples of how to change your morning routine to include more movement include: Exercise while you commute to work or school. Walk or run while you’re on the phone. Take a yoga or tai chi class at your local gym. Do a few push-ups or sit-ups while you’re waiting for the coffee to brew. Do some stretching and breathing exercises while you’re waiting for the shower to warm up.

If you do these things each day, you will see an amazing difference in your life. Not only will you start the day with more energy, but you will also have a healthier lifestyle. If you’re currently sedentary, these activities can help you ease into a healthier routine. Or you can use them to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle if you are already active. If you’re not currently active, start small. And remember, it’s never too late to start.

4. Add In Some Nutrition

If eating a nutritious breakfast or smoothie feels good, it’s a great way to add in some nutrition and gain a bit more energy. Protein is great fuel for your day! Make some eggs, a low sugar smoothie or even batch of egg bites the night before to reheat quickly in the morning. 

5. Commit To One Skill You Want To Build

You can use your magical morning routine to commit to a new skill you want to build, to do something creative or to work on your creative business.  Some ideas include: 

– Read a book you really want to get through 

– Work on a simple art project

– Listen to a podcast 

– Practice an instrument

(Bonus Tip)

If you have a bit more time, do some more journaling. Write your intentions for the day. Write how you want to feel that day. Write out what you want to experience. Write out your dreams for the future and what you want your creative life to look like, feel like and be.

There are so many ways to create a magical morning routine that you love. The more you love and enjoy it, the more you’ll do it and the more you do it each morning, the more it will change your life!

What would you add to this list? 

When Mornings Don’t Feel Magical

Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, a morning ritual just doesn’t feel magical. Don’t get discouraged. Instead, try to figure out why it isn’t working for you and what you could do to change this. 

There are many reasons why a morning ritual might not feel magical. Perhaps you don’t like the way it makes you feel. Or maybe you’re not doing it correctly for your needs. Or perhaps you’re just not ready for a morning ritual. 

If you’re feeling stressed or unhappy, it may be time for a change. Try to experiment with different activities until you find the one that really speaks to you. If you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works, it’s fine to take a break. You can always come back to it later.

Will you create a magical morning routine?

A magical morning routine can change your life for the better. When you start you day happy and refreshed, it’s easy to get more done and enjoy life to the fullest. Start your mornings off right by setting the tone with a positive and meaningful ritual. 

Being intentional about how you start each day will help you gain more control over your days, which can result in a completely different life. When you start the day with positivity and energy, it’s easier to maintain that energy throughout the day. A magical morning routine can help you start each day with a clean slate, ready to take on the world and enjoy your best creative life. 

Tell us in the comments! Do you have a magical morning routine? If not, will you create one? And what will you add to the routine?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. I am going to work on making my mornings more magical. Thank you Hollie! I did morning pages for years and will try to start them up again. Have been meaning to – this is a great sign that the time is now 😀

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. I am going to work on making my mornings more magical. Thank you Hollie! I did morning pages for years and will try to start them up again. Have been meaning to – this is a great sign that the time is now 😀

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