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Turn Your Creative Dreams Into Your Reality With This One Thing

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Last Updated on October 13, 2022 by Hollie Giglietti

If you signed up to our Reignite your Creative Life and Business Challenge, I’m guessing you may be interested in making some pretty big changes in your life? If so, vision boards could be the one thing you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality!

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Transforming any area of your life isn’t always easy. Although you may start out with high levels of motivation, it’s easy to lose it along the way. Vision boards help you keep sight of your dreams and your goals, increasing your chances of achieving them.

What’s a vision board?

Creating a vision board can be one of the most effective ways to set goals and intentions for your future. A vision board is a collage of images and words that help you focus on what you want in your life. It helps you turn your dreams into reality.

I’m a HUGE dreamer. There was a point in my life that I was dreaming big dreams, day after day, but I wasn’t acting on any of them. I was dreaming my life away until one day I sat down and drew a picture of where I wanted to be. And then I got out all of my paper collage materials and made my first vision board. It was such a fun project to create, and I’ve made many vision boards since then.

A vision board I recently created for my computer desktop. Created in Canva

In recent years I’ve designed them in Canva and added them to my lock screen on my phone and computer – so I always have a visual of my dreams and visions that I see on a consistent basis each day.

Why Create a Vision Board?

Creating a vision board is a great way to keep your goals top of mind and give you that extra nudge when you feel like giving up. It’s an excellent visual reminder of all the amazing things you want to achieve, which makes it much easier to focus on them and stop worrying about small and insignificant details.

Here are 6 more reasons why a vision board has so much potential for anyone who wants to take their life in a new direction.

It’ll give you a greater sense of clarity and confidence.

One of the main benefits of creating a vision board is that it’ll help you get clarity on what you really want out of life. We all have dreams and aspirations, but it can be hard to see them clearly.

There’s so much noise out there, and so many things vying for our attention that it can be hard to know which goals are worth pursuing, and which ones aren’t. Most of the time we’re too busy focusing on our everyday routines and responsibilities to stop and ask ourselves, “What do I really want?”

Having a vision board is a great way to get clarity on your goals. You can use it to write down your desires, and then create a visual representation of them through pictures, quotes, or artwork.

This will help you to stay focused on where you want to be in life and help you to let go of the things that are holding you back.

You’ll feel motivated to take action.

Creating a vision board will help you to identify what you want out of life, but it will also give you the motivation to take action and make it happen. If you are like I used to be, dreaming about what you want out of life, but never actually taking the steps to make it happen. A vision board will help you with your motivation and drive.

Creating a vision board will give you that extra spark you need to get started. It’ll help you to visualize where you want to be, so you’ll be more motivated to take steps towards making it happen. It’ll be like having a constant visual reminder of your goals; you won’t be able to ignore them!

You’ll have a visual reminder of your goals at all times.

The great thing about vision boards is that they’re incredibly portable. You can put them anywhere you want to see them, which makes them a great reminder of what you want out of life. They’re also visual, which makes them even more powerful and effective.

Looking at words on a page is one thing but seeing images of your goals accompanied by inspiring words is a completely different experience.

It’s like when we see beautiful nature scenes or watch an amazing sunset or sunrise. It takes our breath away and gives us a sense of awe and wonder. This is because seeing something beautiful has an emotional impact on us. It’s instinctual: we’re designed to respond to visual stimuli this way. This is why having a vision board is so powerful. It will be a constant source of motivation and inspiration.

You’ll be better equipped to handle setbacks and rejections.

Creating a vision board will get you into a positive mindset that will help you to deal better with rejections and setbacks. Rejections and failures are part of the journey towards success. No one makes it to the top without experiencing some failures along the way.

The great thing about setbacks is that they’re a sign that you’re taking action. It’s easy to feel defeated and depressed when things don’t go as planned, but if you’re taking steps towards your goals, then you’re already on the road to success.

If you feel like giving up, or are struggling with self-confidence, look at your vision board. It will give you the motivation to keep going.

It’s the first step towards taking your life in a new direction.

Creating a vision board is the first step towards taking your life in a new direction. It’s like planting seeds in your subconscious. Your vision board is where you plant the seeds of change, and it’s up to you to water them and make them grow.

It’s not enough to simply create a vision board. You have to commit to making the changes you want to see in your life happen.

You have to be willing to take action and make slight shifts in your daily routine to make room for the things you want out of life. You can take those things and add them into your magic morning routine!

It can help you build self-confidence and learn to trust yourself

One of the reasons why a vision board is so powerful is because it’s a great way to build self-confidence and learn to trust yourself. When we’re going after big goals, and trying to make a big change in our lives, there are times when we might feel anxious or doubtful.

There will be people in our lives who might try to discourage us, and who might try to talk us out of our goals and dreams. This can make it hard to stay focused on where we want to go. A vision board is a great way to shut all of that out, and to build your confidence. It will help you to visualize the things you want, and it will help you to stay focused on your goals, no matter what anyone else says.

How to Create a Vision Board

Choose a theme or topic.

The best thing to do when creating a vision board is to choose a theme or topic for it. This will help you to focus on what you want in your life. Or split it up into sections.

What’s your vision for your relationships, career, home, physical self?

Choose images and words that inspire you.

Once you’ve chosen your themes or topics, select images and words that inspire you. This is where you get to let your creativity flow. Get out that mod podge, glitter, tape, magazines, pinterest images and markers! Or pull up your Canva account.

Put everything together.

Put all of your images, words, and pieces of paper together to create your vision board. You can either do this digitally or create a physical board.

Put it somewhere you’ll see it often.

Once you’ve created your vision board, it’s important to put it somewhere you’ll see it often. This will help you to stay focused on your goals and stay inspired.

Are you going to create a vision board?

A vision board is a visual representation of what you want in your life. It’s an entire experience and it helps you get clear on what you want in your future. It’s also an excellent way to set goals and create positive change in your life. Creating a vision board can be one of the most effective ways to set goals and intentions for your future.

Let us know if the comments if this is something you do on a regular basis or if it’s new, will you be creating a vision board?

Turn Your Creative Dreams Into Your Reality With This One Thing

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