Last Updated on October 13, 2022 by Hollie Giglietti
As you’ve been working through this 15 day challenge to Reignite your Creative Life and Business, you may be looking around at your life, your big goals and dreams and seeing some roadblocks.
You might notice you don’t have enough time, money, creativity or any other resource you feel you’re lacking, to do the things you want to do – but today, on DAY 7 of our challenge, I want to remind you of a SUPERPOWER!
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You’ve taken a lot of action throughout the last 6 days to set up a foundation to build your creative life and business on. You’ve dreamed big dreams and goals and created a vision board.
But if doubts have started creeping in…
I want to teach you about the power of being resourceful!
Creativity actually THRIVES on limitations and resourcefulness— being resourceful can give you new ways of thinking about old things, help you find hidden resources and identify opportunities where others might not see them.
What is Resourcefulness?
Resourcefulness is the ability to use what you have at hand to solve problems.
When you’re resourceful, you look at your current situation and ask yourself, how can I get what I need or want using what I already have? When you’re resourceful, you take note of what’s available to you and what’s going on around you.
Resourcefulness is about flexibility and creativity, not about having more money or time than you have now.
Examples of being resourceful
If I had to choose one life skill that I felt like I was really good at, it would be being resourceful.
When I was growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money. I’ve never been upset about that, maybe even grateful for it, because of the lesson I learned within the POWER of being resourceful.
My parents made our entire childhood an adventure through the power of creative thinking and being resourceful.
For family vacations we camped all across the Midwest, the sand dunes of Michigan, the Great Lakes of Wisconsin and the deep forests of Indiana. No matter where we were we had fun hiking, eating around the campfire, swimming and seeing the epic wonder of a shooting star across the night sky.
I’m the oldest of three daughters – When we needed new clothes my Mom made it a fun adventure to go to all of our favorite thrift stores and find all the deals. We always found the coolest outfits. She sewed many of our clothes as children and created the most beautiful dresses of our dreams, for all of our school dances.
As I became an adult, I couldn’t find creative enough clothes that fit my style, so I learned how to sew from my mom. I could make (almost) anything I wanted or repurpose boring clothes into something totally unique.
Creative thinking and being resourceful are powerful and life changing.
When you have a big dream, you may not pursue it because you don’t have enough money, you don’t have a space for it, or you don’t have the right resources.
Don’t let that stop you! There is always a solution that can be found. There is always a way with a little creative thinking and becoming more resourceful.
Being resourceful will help you in all areas of your life. It’s simply a good problem-solving strategy to know about and practice regularly.
5 ways to be more resourceful
Start by recognizing the resources around you. Begin to notice what’s already there. Sometimes, the solution is right in front of you. Sometimes you have to dig a bit deeper.
1. find hidden resources
Sometimes, you may need a new resource to be able to move forward. But how do you find it when you don’t have the funds or the time? You can find resources that you might not have considered.
You can find them in the people around you. Ask for help, whether it’s your friends or people online, sometimes, the best way to get what you need is to ask for help. You don’t have to do everything on your own.
Look for free or low-cost resources. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on everything. Keep an eye out for free or low-cost resources. You can learn practically anything from Google and your local library.
Find opportunities to make the most out of difficulties. Some challenges are actually opportunities in disguise. Find ways to make the most out of the challenges you’re facing.
2. Make a habit of learning and absorbing
Learning and absorbing new things is a great way to be more resourceful. When you continue to learn, you have new insights and ideas you can use to solve problems.
Explore new things. Engage in different activities. Read books, watch documentaries, and follow experts in fields that interest you.
By making a habit out of learning new things, you’ll continually expand your knowledge and see new ways of doing things. You’ll also have new information to draw from when you need to solve problems.
3. Look for ways to collaborate and connect
Find ways to collaborate with people who have skills and resources you don’t have.
You might not have the money to hire professionals, but you can find people who are interested in what you’re working towards and are willing to help.
Collaborating with people who have skills that you don’t have can help you solve problems and reach goals faster. It can also help you to be more creative and find new ways to do things.
4. Be selective about what you consume
The media you consume has an impact on the way you think. Be mindful of the media you pay attention to and what you allow yourself to be exposed to.
If you’re consuming negative or pessimistic information, you’re going to think negatively and find ways to be more resourceful will be more challenging.
When you spend your time and attention on media that inspires and encourages you, you’re going to be more resourceful and find ways to get what you need.
5. Don’t be afraid to fail
Failing doesn’t make you a failure.
And it’s a necessary part of being creative.
Being resourceful is about trying new things and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes. You’re going to fail sometimes, but you’re also going to succeed.
You’re going to try new things that don’t work out and learn from those experiences.
Being resourceful is about being okay with that. It’s about recognizing that sometimes, things don’t work out, but you keep moving forward anyway. And you try again.
Being resourceful is a superpower!
I hope you’ve learned in this blog post that being resourceful is a SUPERPOWER that allows you to move forward in life, reach your goals and accomplish all of those beautiful dreams.
Being more resourceful can help you be more creative and live a more fulfilling life. It starts with making sure you’re surrounded by creativity and then finding creative ways to make use of the resources around you. When you’re resourceful, you’re able to solve problems on your own and use the resources you have access to in the best way possible.
In what ways have you used being resourceful in your creative life and business? Is this a new concept or have you been using this superpower for a while? I’d love to know in the comments!
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